Recently we have seen natural disasters in our area. The Thomas Fire or “Thomas Incident” has affected many homes. We would like to help those who have had damage to their homes or businesses. Our company has begun focusing on helping clients with the very early stages of construction “pre-construction” including financing, City/County permit and planning, designing and engineering. Sometimes these “pre-construction” steps can be confusing and time intensive without help. We have found that by helping with these beginning steps homeowners are able to build faster and they are also able to save money. Please contact us so we can help.
The image below is of a home we rebuilt after the Tea Fires burned through the hills of Santa Barbara. This home was built with ICF Block “Insulated Concrete Form.” This type of block is very fire resistant. It is made from recycled polystyrene, cement, and a bit of glue. The block itself carries it’s own insulation. Unlike the virgin polystyrene forms some homes are built with, The ICF Block does not catch on fire. It is used as a form and takes the place of the insulation. It is lined with rebar on the inside and Concrete is then poured in the cells. This particular home did not need much venting because icynene insulation was used which eliminates the air gap between the roof sheathing and the ceiling material. Other homes we have built that do have open attic space we like to use ember resistant ventilation. Brandguard vents is what we typically call out for because they have a dual baffle design that resists embers from entering the attic spaces and starting fires. Most homes catch on fire when the embers enter through the vents. We also try to design our homes with little or no exposed structural lumber. Using a cementitious Facia board can also help prevent your home from catching fire so we will often times suggest this to our clients.
Thank You,